Create a job alert for your new roles

Automatically email new jobs to talent as soon as you publish them from your ATS - no code required

Create your job alertit only takes less than a minute!

Trusted by recruiters at


Creative Fabrica

1 unread

From: Horta <[email protected]>

To: Alice Williams <[email protected]>

Subject: Yes! 6 new jobs from VanMoof

The simplest way to build, design and send job alerts

With Horta, you don't need to set up a CRM or ask the marketing team for help

Share the page with talent or add a link from your career site. They can subscribe to new jobs from there.

Loved by recruiters and candidates

Companies have successfully used Horta to capture and nurture talent.

    • We get tons of messages on Linkedin from talent interested in VanMoof. Now I can finally give them an easy way to stay up-to-date with our roles while also storing their profiles for later.

      Sjamilla van der Tooren
      Head of Recruitment at VanMoof
    • We add links to our subscription page to the jobs we advertise. It’s a great way to convert passive candidates we’re already reaching but would likely never see again.

      Katrin Riddle
      Head of People at Creative Fabrica
    • Most people visiting your careers site are not ready to apply for a job. By inviting them to sign up for job alerts, when you’re hiring for a role they’re interested in, they’re the first to know.

      Erica Howes
      Employer Brand Writer
    • Subscribing to a job alert was much easier and more valuable than wasting my time on an open application.

      Shane Miles

Pricing that fits your hiring needs

Whether you’re on a hiring freeze or scaling up, Horta works for you

Publishing more than 15 jobs per month? Book a call with us.


Send 1 new job per month.


  • Send 1 job per month
  • Unlimited subscribers
  • Unlimited emails
  • Store and view talent profile
  • Request Linkedin profile
  • Design your own job alert page and email
Create job alert


Send up to 5 new jobs per month.


  • Send up to 5 jobs per month
  • Unlimited subscribers
  • Unlimited emails
  • Store and view talent profile
  • Request Linkedin profile
  • Design your own job alert page and email
  • Export your talent pool to CSV
Create job alert


Send up to 15 new jobs per month.


  • Send up to 15 jobs per month
  • Unlimited subscribers
  • Unlimited emails
  • Store and view talent profile
  • Request Linkedin profile
  • Design your own job alert page and email
  • Export your talent pool to CSV
Create job alert

Frequently asked questions

  • How do I send emails with Horta?

    Horta automatically emails subscribers with relevant jobs whenever you publish a new role on your ATS. You don’t need to email talent manually.

  • How can talent subscribe to my job alert?

    Talent can subscribe to your job alert from your Horta job alert page. This page can be sent to talent and installed on your career site.

  • What information do I get on talent?

    You will always get talent’s email address and the departments they’re interested in, and they can also share their Linkedin profile. In this case, Horta will also store their employment and education information (e.g. current job, past employers).

  • Do I need help from engineering or marketing to start using Horta?

    No, as soon as you create an account, you will get access to a hosted Horta alert ( Through this page, talent can subscribe to your job alerts. You can immediately start sharing that link with your network and talent. Adding Horta to your career page is also very simple. It’s a JS widget that only requires two pieces of code to be installed on your page. If you require engineering help to implement and customise the widget, contact our sales team to hear about our Business plans.

  • Can I email talent directly?

    You cannot email talent directly through Horta. But you can export talent’s email address and email them from your preferred email client or CRM.

Improve your candidate experience across your hiring process

Get more candidates whether you&apos;re hiring today, or tomorrow. Make your application processs better with a job alert.

Create your job alert

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